January 28, 2012

January 27, 2012

I spent a lazy day today, working on the house and letting my friends and family work on my renewed line of product. OK I did work on it. But I did get a LOT of help. Here's what they came up with.

My tag line idea has to do with we are flowers. Highlighting wear. That was my idea, and then a few little sayings about how we are like flowers, we need nurturing and sunshine, blah blah blah. One suggested the little sayings are like fortune cookies and I thought that the flowers could be tagged with random saying ie. You are like a flower because..... And my dear daughter came up with the idea of making tags out of tiny envelopes filled with seeds or seed embedded paper. Brilliant! I am still working on that.

Another friend is having a friend work on a logo for me. It needs a little tweaking, but is wonderful so far. Really what I want to express in my name. I really have always looked at myself as a gardener. Or at least Id like to be one, even in my work and my relations with others.

So I'll be spending my time looking for tiny seed packets or printable seed paper and thinking up little sayings, and when my business is up and running, I'm owing some friends a share.

Oh and I forgot to mention how my weigh in went. Not too good. No weight loss, but I did loose another inch in my waist. Really glad I'm measuring too.  


  1. So I was the only friend that did not get back to you yet! Bad me! I love the ideas - esp. the seed paper! I will send you my feedback this wkd!
