Look at that date 1-12-2012, seems magical doesn't it? We'll see. I can't believe I've been posting for a week. It seems so much longer. Maybe because I am actually working, although it doesn't seem like it. I should be finishing new sewn items to list, I'm also supposed to help listing fabric, we need the money and we also need the room. My daughter has once again flowed with the tide of change. She has changed her offerings to meet her demand, at the expense of closing a shop and all her original designs that go with it.
Today is my weigh in. I'm not happy about it. But I'll get back to that later. I had a good week, but too many cookies last night.

After looking through product pictures and drawings, I thought I'd share a few here. I have so many drawings, because I was freelancing for 3 companies who were presenting to lots of retailers. I just can't believe how much I did in such a short time.
OK so I weighed in, and I didn't like it so I waited, and weighed in again, and again before lunch. Not doing really well there, I hope the measurement thing works better. I've been pretty good and I weight the same. I certainly hope it's because I've gained muscle. Yeah, that's it.

I did get some good news today. Monday I was featured on a blog. Today I found out that I'm going to be featured on the site I sell and and on their blog. Very happy about that. But I really need to get my shop in better shape before that. I need to make a few new things and take some great pictures. So the portfolio has to go on the back burner for a week or two, and I'm really into that one now. Going to be hard to keep me away. Maybe at night when I can't make jewelry.
See I can find something to complain about even when I have good news.
Yay for the features! I'm sure it'll bring loads of sales your way!