February 23, 2012

February 22, 2012

Got a lot of work done today, shipping, photography, networking and even some around the house stuff. I thought I was feeling better, but seems it's pretty good in my lungs now. I can get bronchitis, but chances of my getting pneumonia are slim as I had the pneumonia vaccination when SARS was just starting out in China and no one knew what it was. The people I worked for were ruthless and sent us even thought hey know people were dying, even in some of the factories we worked with.

Funny, I've been hearing about the factory that Apple uses in China and how employees commit suicide over working conditions. I've been in a lot of factories in China, and even the bad ones aren't that bad. I just wonder if it's more the pressure from peers and family that if they are making Apple product, they shouldn't have to be like the rest of the working class. Maybe they think it will be so much better, then when they find it's the same, they can't take it.

Yes they work 14 hour days, but that's usually with a one hour lunch and a 1 ½ hour dinner with food provided by the company. And maybe they get paid $50 a week, but they will get food and a room also. I don't know about the dorms with beds stacked 12 high though. I've never heard of anything that absurd, so maybe the conditions really weren't so great there.

Enough of that, I'm wandering again. I discovered today that I've been neglecting my bread and butter shop. I added a few new Bow Ties and noticed that I had like five aprons that I haven't listed yet. So I started listing some and have to add more later.

I was so exhausted doing the work I did, but was very pleased to finally have a semi clear mind, although I did leave the water running, over filling a gallon with filtered water, while I walked to the bus stop to pick up my grandson. I think that's how my lungs got started. Cleared out some junk that didn't belong there in the first place.

Tomorrow I hope to feel even better and will list more and have a chance to create some more flowers. I also need to get my daughters taxes done so she can get some money back soon.

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